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Mystic Dreamer Tarot


An ornate pentacle rests in a flowerpot upon a stack of stones. Flowers spring from the pot, indicating abundance and beauty. On the stones' berries represent fruitfulness and a butterfly shows transformation. A vine circles the pentacle, further symbolizing growth. A woman at the gate turns, as if just in time, to notice this gift that she may have overlooked.

This pentacle brings with it the gift of luck, an opportunity for material gain, or improved health. It is solid and grounded and represents something practical and dependable. This is the seed of good things to come. Use the energy of this moment to start a new project, make a small investment, or start a fitness program. you have the opportunity to grow something wonderful. This card can also represent the arrival of some unexpected money or material item.

If reversed, a moment of bad luck may be at hand. Something you were waiting for did nor come or something you planned did not take root and grow as planned. It can also indicate that you are overlooking something that could be useful to you.

Use your intuition

  • Unlike in the other aces, the woman here is far away from the pentacle. Why?
  • A fence surrounds this symbol. What is the implication?

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